Bradley Manning is a UK Citizen

If you live in the UK, you may not know this – but it happens to be true. The mainstream media in the US – even the less respectable parts of it – has no problem in saying that Bradley Manning has dual citizenship (and this may be part of the reason), but the phrase “Bradley Manning is a UK citizen” has never appeared in the mainstream UK press. Never. Today’s Channel 4 piece, following up on Amnesty’s letter is typical in its studious avoidance of the issue.


I have now written about this at greater length, here. Unless Bradley Manning’s mother was born outside the UK, he became a UK citizen automatically at birth.

8 responses to “Bradley Manning is a UK Citizen

  1. WU!!!! He is UK citizen. Do you know, I have been following this from weeks and I didn’t know that!!! Which proves what you say.

    I am disgusted and feel physically sick when I think what bradley is going through. That they will torture a young man like this–not that anyone should have go go through what he is. I cannot find words. It is like–yes I am more and more aware of the evil these people are capable of. Didn’t Bradley leak the truth of what they are doing? And these people do not KNOW truth, they only want secrets. And if people abused by their evil doings try and gwet justice that is what they have their ‘law courts’ come with—that they cannot do the case because of fears for national security. That is dictatorship. That means they can do anything they want and THAT is what they are fukin doing!! Totally immoral evil doings.

    I would like it if you would get through to people both in UK and elsewhere what they CAN do however little to make those fiends holding him and those supporting this utterly corrupt system–like Obama–exactly what people think of this.

    I noticed today a video where one of his supporters trying to visit him was also subjected to their usual bullying tactics, and not allowing him to even visit Bradley. I am outraged, and its easy to just feel speechless. I remember the horror I felt when I saw those prisoners in Quantanemo Bay in those orange suits goggles and earpices–ALL the most hideous dehumaniozing torture thought up by the psychologists they use. The psycholoists are war criminals too and their identities must be exposed!

    But please give a long list of what people can do–who can they email, write to, etc etc to end this ILLEGAL torture of Bradley?

    • Hi Juliano,

      Thanks for taking the time to write. It is extremely cool to have people taking notice all of a sudden! I am working on a plan of action and will post soonest: I have in fact already started writing letters but there is loads more to do and all offers of help are very very welcome. I think there is a ‘subscribe’ function somewhere on this blog, otherwise you can keep track of when I update by following @ukfriendsofbm on twitter.

      Thanks again,


  2. USA USA ,eh!

  3. agree Juliano. The so called most progressive enlightened western liberal democracy torturing people in outsourced privatised prisons, in Gitmo style prisons and on home turf.

    He is a UK citizen.

    US senators were apparently sick to the stomach when they saw images of the torture and brutality that was deemed ‘legal’ by the powers that be.

    What lessons have been learnt.

    The press cover up of this is just as disturbing. I just hope the story comes out and sees the light of day.

    I heard that the visitors’ requests being denied were very unusual by the prisons’ normal standards which tells me something is very unusual about this case.

    The DOJ need a confession from him quickly and this kind of behaviour, which isn’t unprecedented, seems to be endorsed as acceptable behaviour. The powers that be should be punished under human rights law

  4. I recently saw a video where one of the Paentagon suits is asking questions from the press about Bradley’s ‘treatment’, and how its been announced that bradley had no direct dealings with Julian Assange, and this guy comes with all these excuses and justifications for what they are doing to Bradley, and warns the press off not to write anything infallamatory because :”we are working intensely to get a case against Bradley Manning” or words to that effect

    What is happening to bradley is reminiscent of what happened to dissident Winston Smith in George Orwell’s story of 1984 where they torture him in room 101 to make him believe what they want him to believe. To totally break him. These people use sophisticated torture methods thought up by psychologists –who themselves should be names and shamed and struck off–and isolation is a very important psychological torture for them. THIS will be what is meant by ‘working on a case against him’

  5. The British Embassy in Washington, must by now know that Bradley is a British Citizen in a foreign Jail. Therefore they should have attempted to contact Bradley to check on his wellbeing. British Embassies do phone prisons & ask to speak to British Citizens if requested to do so. Has anyone found an email address for the British Embassy in Washington?

  6. ah found this:
    I would suggest that if the embassy receive a large number of emails about this it will indicate the level of concern amongst fellow British Citizens (I have known that approach to work with other British Embassys in similar situations)

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